enGary Lucas Remembers Peter Cushing
<span>Gary Lucas Remembers Peter Cushing</span>
<span><a title="View user profile." href="/user/7162" lang="" about="/user/7162" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Gary Lucas</a></span>
<span>April 7, 2022 - 11:05</span>
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<div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><figure role="group" class="embedded-entity align-center"><article><img alt="Thumbnail" class="img-responsive" height="800" src="/sites/default/files/styles/width_1200/public/2022/2022-04/peter-cushing-photo.jpeg?itok=W6ImRvbT" title="peter-cushing-photo.jpeg" typeof="foaf:Image" width="640" /></article><figcaption>Hammer Horror Legends Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing</figcaption></figure><p>My <a href="[0]=AZUMtZPCx-h80dOGwlwUiuNXnoSOJudSNe7aVZIejnG1KpAjrZhpkqEhNajWeeJLg8wJBY28C56gqgGJ8QkGTpNnDiNvCynfi1w-P-5cIbiAcWir6hV060zuXKu4dX3b0YKH4CzVVBteyX6F6XDTtpHP&__tn__=kK-R" role="link" tabindex="0" target="_blank">Peter Cushing</a> story:</p>
<p>I did a lengthy UK solo tour in oh lessee gee uh fall of 1991, went on for ever (at least a month) but it started in lovely <a href="[0]=AZUMtZPCx-h80dOGwlwUiuNXnoSOJudSNe7aVZIejnG1KpAjrZhpkqEhNajWeeJLg8wJBY28C56gqgGJ8QkGTpNnDiNvCynfi1w-P-5cIbiAcWir6hV060zuXKu4dX3b0YKH4CzVVBteyX6F6XDTtpHP&__tn__=-UK-R" role="link" tabindex="0" target="_blank">Whitstable</a> by the sea in Kent. That's where my tour manager / driver lived, in an old decrepit mansion right on the beach.</p>
<p>The first day after flying into Heathrow, coming out of Customs and meeting my tour manager in the wee small hours of dawn after a seven hour flight over, then driving with him to Whitstable and unpacking my gear (three guitars in giant coffin-size Calzone cases and a 90 kilo suitcase of fx, plus a garment bag and a carry-on bag -- a lot of stuff in other words, I'm much more lean and mean on the road these days) -- after all that, we moseyed on down to the beach.</p>
<p>A fine crisp fall day, lots of white-caps, periwinkles in the sand, you know...coming towards us slowly picking his way down the beach was a small bent figure in sou'wester gear with dog... and as he approached my tour manager whispered to me:</p>
<p>"That's PETER CUSHING!"</p>
<figure role="group" class="embedded-entity"><article><img alt="Thumbnail" class="img-responsive" height="504" src="/sites/default/files/styles/width_1200/public/2022/2022-04/peter_cushing.jpeg?itok=HBeNkQJ7" title="peter_cushing.jpeg" typeof="foaf:Image" width="646" /></article><figcaption>Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein (Hammer film series)</figcaption></figure><p>As he got close to meet and greet distance I thrust out my hand and gushed:</p>
<p>"Mr Cushing!! A big honour indeed! I love all your films, I saw them all when I was a boy. I'm Gary Lucas, I'm a guitar player and songwriter and composer -- I played guitar with <a href="[0]=AZUMtZPCx-h80dOGwlwUiuNXnoSOJudSNe7aVZIejnG1KpAjrZhpkqEhNajWeeJLg8wJBY28C56gqgGJ8QkGTpNnDiNvCynfi1w-P-5cIbiAcWir6hV060zuXKu4dX3b0YKH4CzVVBteyX6F6XDTtpHP&__tn__=-]K-R" role="link" tabindex="0">Captain Beefheart</a>. And I'm here on tour!"</p>
<p>He looked me up and down closely, then lit up and gave me a broad million dollar smile.</p>
<p>"Where are you from, my son?"</p>
<p>"New York City," I replied, awed by THAT face and THAT voice.</p>
<p>He really didn't look much the worse for wear at 78. His smile got even bigger and his blue eyes twinkled.</p>
<p>"Ahhhhhhh...New YORK!" he exclaimed. "They have such MARVELOUS ELECTRICITY there!!"</p>
<p>And with that, Dr. Frankenstein and his dog were off down the beach on their constitutional.</p>
<p>And I was just, as they say, gob-smacked.</p>
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Thu, 07 Apr 2022 15:05:39 +0000Gary Lucas4093 at