Brandon Judell

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Story Crooner of the Sea Brandon Judell 0 2 days 3 hours ago
Story The "Worst" Title for a Great Little Film Brandon Judell 0 2 days 3 hours ago
Story Rendez-Vous-ing with the Best of Current French Cinema Brandon Judell 0 2 days 3 hours ago
Story A Festival of the Absurd, the Perturbed, and the Deliriously Insurgent Brandon Judell 0 3 weeks 4 days ago
Story Enthralling and Disquieting Brandon Judell 0 1 month 3 weeks ago
Story My Uncles are Losers Brandon Judell 0 2 months ago
Story Beer vs. Christ Brandon Judell 0 2 months 1 week ago
Story Queer Love in a Fish-Processing Factory Brandon Judell 0 2 months 2 weeks ago
Story Bang! Bang! You're Bored Brandon Judell 0 2 months 3 weeks ago
Story Gene Wilder, Challah, and Yiddish Mamas Brandon Judell 0 4 months ago
Story Disco Boy (or Why I Joined the Foreign Legion) Brandon Judell 0 4 months ago
Story Pulling No Punches Gary Lucas 0 4 months ago
Story Princes, "Bottoms" and I Married A Dead Homosexual Brandon Judell 0 7 months 4 weeks ago
Story Drowning in Love Brandon Judell 0 7 months 4 weeks ago
Story Mademoiselle Chambon: A Masterwork on Love Brandon Judell 0 8 months ago
Story Never Let Me Go: True Love and Kidneys Brandon Judell 0 8 months ago
Story Eastern Boys: Hustling for Love Brandon Judell 0 8 months ago
Story I Am Love or Mama Sleeps with the Chef Brandon Judell 0 8 months ago
Story Sweatshop Dolls, a Fashionista's Love Story, and So Much More: The New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF) Struck Again Brandon Judell 0 8 months ago
Story Gun Hill Road: Transitioning in the Bronx Ain't Easy Brandon Judell 0 8 months 3 weeks ago
Story Gender Fluidity, Turkish Delights, & Richard E. Grant Has a "Lesson" for You Brandon Judell 0 9 months ago
Story Turtles, Hummingbirds, Saints, and a Marxist Oscar Wilde: New Italian Cinema Is Alive and Percolating at Lincoln Center Brandon Judell 0 9 months ago
Story My Week with Marilyn: Needy, Needier, Neediest Brandon Judell 0 9 months 2 weeks ago
Story Broken or Love Thy Neighbor...With Great Care Brandon Judell 0 10 months ago
Story I Was a Serial Puppet Killer or Dennis Cooper's "Jerk" Splinters onto the Big Screen Brandon Judell 0 1 year 2 months ago